AHA eProduct Helpful Tips
Additional Information about eBooks and other Digital Products
When you purchase an American Heart Association (AHA) eProduct from APHE, the access code for the product is issued by a member of our team. You will receive an email from donotreply@heart.org. The email will direct you to click a link. The link takes you to ebooks.heart.org. You will create or log into an account.
If you do not receive an email from donotreply@heart.org with your eProduct information, please check your Spam or Junk folder.
The AHA has adopted an open-resource policy for all exams. Open resource means that students may use resources as a reference while completing the exam. Resources could include the provider manual, either in printed form or as an eBook on personal devices, any notes the student took during the provider course, etc.
Please remember to bring an Internet-enabled device (smart phone, tablet, laptop, etc) to class so you can use your eBook for reference on the exam. You may choose to bring two devices to class so you have one to access your eBook and another to complete the Online Exam on.
An Internet connection issue during your class may prevent you from accessing your eProduct. APHE recommends that you download the AHA eBook Reader App on your Internet-enabled device prior to coming to class. To do so, visit ebooks.heart.org and click “Download AHA eBook Reader App” in the upper right corner of the screen.