On-Site Training FAQs

Our instructors will come to your location with all the necessary equipment and teach your employees or group members the basics of performing CPR on adults, children, and infants. Our training offers ample time to get comfortable with hands-on techniques in your setting to make you feel prepared to use them in the event of an emergency.

Benefits Of On-Site CPR & Medical Training

  • We find our students love on-site CPR training because they are trained in a familiar environment and have the opportunity for an interactive training to prepare them for workplace emergencies. Offering a class at your location allows you to to set the pace of learning, schedule, and overall experience. We know day-to-day routines can be busy and we work to be flexible with scheduling options to accommodate your group.
  • Other advantages of group training include:
    • Students receive a certificate of completion within one business day
    • Training is performed on state-of-the-art and clean equipment
    • Knowledgeable and experienced  instructors teach classes

What Types of Organizations Should Schedule On-Site Training?

  • Aside from healthcare facilities like clinics and dental offices, regulated industries such as manufacturing, daycare centers, schools, and those who want to increase their organization’s safety such as churches, fitness centers, law offices, Boy Scout troops, etc., are recommended to book on-site training.

On-Site Medical Training Courses for Healthcare

  • Your group can take our basic life support (BLS) provider course that includes training on manikins and automated external defibrillators (AEDs). For anyone unable to make your group training we can accommodate them at a discounted rate in one of our public classes.
  • Upon completion of a course with us, students will receive their certification card. For most of our classes, the certification is good for two years. We will send out courtesy reminders to each student when it is time to renew their certification. We’ve trained many groups and businesses and it’s a pleasure to continue a relationship over the years and watch how individuals become so confident and comfortable in their skills and working as a team.

On-Site Regulatory Training

  • For businesses that are regulated and require training, we offer regulatory training courses in Adult CPR/AED. For groups needing First Aid training as well, we offer First Aid and Adult CPR/AED. We teach OSHA-compliant courses and every student gets hands-on practice with manikins and AEDs with knowledgeable instructors. Following completion of the course, all participants will receive certification. For employees not able to attend the scheduled training, we offer discounted rates on our public classes.

Non-Regulated On-Site Medical Training

  • For groups or businesses that are not required to undergo training but would like to for its benefits, we offer specific training for non-regulated groups. These courses include Adult CPR/AED and First Aid and Adult CPR/AED. Professional emergency instructors conduct these courses, and course completion certificates are given to students within one business day of the training. These non-regulated training courses are OSHA-compliant and recognized by the State. Hands-on practice is provided using lifelike manikins and AEDs. Following the training, a courtesy reminder will be emailed to students to remind them when it is time to renew.

What Locations Do You Offer Your On-Site CPR Training Sessions?

  • We provide on-site First aid and CPR training and certification in South Eastern Wisconsin.

What's the Minimum Number of People Allowed for On-Site CPR Training?

  • We will train any amount of people on site. Some offices have us come out just for one or two people.

What's the Maximum Number of People Allowed for On-Site CPR Training?

  • We can train almost any amount of people, but generally, it’s best for organizations to offer multiple classes than to increase the number of students in a course. We follow strict instructor-to-student ratios and as the number of students increases, so does the number of instructors. Most organizations find it easier and just as cost-effective to schedule multiple classes. Depending on the business and location, we usually recommend training no more than 10 people at a time.

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